Do What You Do Best and Outsource The Rest

By Jim Elliott, President
James G. Elliott Co., Inc.

June 8, 2021

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Peter Drucker once said, “Do what you do best and outsource the rest.”  As far as I know, the “Father of Modern Management” wasn’t talking directly to media owners, but his advice certainly is still on target.  Most publishers of any size could benefit by seriously considering outsourcing their advertising sales because sales and sales management are often not what publishers and editors do best.  By delegating sales functions to experts with broader experience and infrastructure in place, media owners and operators can achieve more with less wasted effort.    

My company has delivered more than $650,000,000 of net revenue to our clients. Along the way, we have learned a lot about what works.  We know that it is crucial to set up the relationship properly from the beginning.   Senior management at the client must not only approve the general idea of outsourcing sales but also must sign off on the firm selected.  We have found that periodic meetings of senior management of both companies has been an important part of our most successful relationships.

A successful outsourcing relationship is based on trust, which the sales team must earn by communicating frequently and truthfully with client management.  That communication should go beyond data about specific accounts and extend to information about market conditions and trends.  We believe in constantly studying the market and the products offered by our clients and the competition and providing our clients with feedback so that we can plan intelligently.  In fact, each of our sellers creates a written sales plan for his or her area of responsibility every year, which is shared with our clients.  When we reach agreement on the strategy, we execute the plan.

Since I founded my company in 1984, I’ve been saying to my clients, “We manage the process; you manage the results.”  If you would like to find out how that might work for you, please feel free to give me a call at 213-624-0900, ext. 1514 or email